Oral contraceptive birth control pills

Written by Clinical Naturopath Alana Mulhall

I still remember my 6 week postpartum follow up after having baby number 1. I don’t think my health care practitioner asked me anything about my mental health or how I was doing. But I do remember being asked “are you sure you don’t want birth control”.

So why is it that the conversation of a birth control pill is so important 6 weeks postpartum, when most of us probably aren’t even thinking of sex then!? 😉

The reason the conversation of birth control comes up is because it is possible to start ovulating soon after birth and this happens for many women. Many experts in the antenatal health area recommend an age gap of at least 18-24 months to support the body to recover fully from the previous pregnancy. I personally didn’t abide by this 😂

Please know this is not us recommending a particular age gap between children! We know whatever age gap you choose (or not), you will need to take steps to support your health throughout your pregnancy.

What we do want to discuss is some of the concerns around oral contraceptives. Please know it is always your body and YOUR choice and many women take oral contraceptives for different reasons. You may have discussed this with your health practitioner and decided this was the best option for you.

Or you might not have all the information or know about other options for birth control.

One of my favourite forms of birth control is the fertility awareness method (FAM). This methods tracks your fertile window by certain body signs including, basal body temperature (BBT), cervical mucus and cervical position.

If you'd like to learn more about this form of contraception we recommend booking in with the Mothers Mylk Clinic Naturopath who will be able to educate and guide you.

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